Invisalign Dentist’s Dos and Don’ts for Cleaning Clear Aligners

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Did you know that nearly 70% of Invisalign users report that the convenience and comfort of their aligners have significantly improved their daily lives? 

Proper care is crucial to maintaining the effectiveness and longevity of your Invisalign aligners. Incorrect cleaning practices can lead to issues like staining, bacterial growth, and even damage to the aligners, potentially derailing your orthodontic treatment. 

This guide will walk you through the essential dos and don’ts of cleaning your Invisalign aligners, including expert tips from Invisalign dentists to ensure your smile stays bright and healthy. 

In the below space, you can expect to gain the following:

  • Top Invisalign recommended cleaning techniques 
  • Common mistakes to avoid while cleaning your aligners
  • How to keep your aligners in top condition and achieve the best possible results from your treatment

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Starting with Invisalign 

Invisalign has revolutionized orthodontic treatment, offering a comfortable and virtually invisible alternative to traditional braces. 

If you’re looking for a convenient way to align your teeth, Invisalign is the top choice. Gentle Dentistry of Las Colinas is among the highly-rated practices for Invisalign in Irving, TX, that offer successful Invisalign treatments starting from $159 per month. 

However, the success of Invisalign largely depends on how well you care for your aligners. Proper cleaning is essential to prevent staining, maintain hygiene, and ensure the aligners remain effective throughout your treatment.

Why Proper Cleaning is Crucial

Proper cleaning of your Invisalign aligners ensures longevity and effectiveness of treatment and reduces your dentist visits. Good hygiene also helps in:

  • Preventing Bacterial Growth: If aligners are not cleaned properly, they can harbor bacteria, leading to bad breath, cavities, and gum disease.
  • Maintaining Transparency: Regular cleaning prevents staining, keeping your aligners clear and spotless.
  • Ensuring Effectiveness: Clean aligners fit better and work more efficiently to straighten your teeth.

Invisalign dentists emphasize the importance of maintaining a strict cleaning routine to ensure the best outcomes from your treatment.

The Dos of Cleaning Your Invisalign

Wearing your Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day is recommended. A study by the Journal of Orthodontics noted that patients following this routine regularly reported ideal outcomes. Ensure you follow the dental practice’s suggestions shared with you after the treatment for the best ways to use your aligners. Here are the things you must know about your aligners before and after wearing the Invisalign clear aligners: 

Rinse Your Aligners Once Removed

Rinsing your aligners immediately after removal helps wash away saliva and food particles, preventing buildup. Use lukewarm water to rinse your aligners before placing them in their case or back in your mouth. Any Invisalign dentist in Irving, TX, will recommend this simple step to keep your aligners fresh throughout the day.

Brush Your Aligners Twice a Day

Just like your teeth, your aligners need regular brushing. A soft-bristled toothbrush, along with an antibacterial soap is recommended to gently clean your aligners twice a day. Toothpaste should be avoided at all costs, as it is known to scratch the aligners, making them more visible and susceptible to staining.

Soak Aligners Daily for Optimal Cleanliness

Ensure your aligners stay fresh and bacteria-free by soaking them daily in a designated cleaning solution. Invisalign cleaning crystals work wonders for this purpose. Dentists recommend soaking the aligners for at least 15 minutes daily to maintain cleanliness and keep odors at bay.

Maintain Oral Hygiene Before Reinserting Aligners

Ensure you clean your teeth thoroughly before putting your aligners back on. This prevents tiny pieces of food and plaque from getting trapped between your teeth and the aligners. By keeping up this habit daily, you help maintain oral health and ensure that your aligners maintain their shape and fit on your pearly whites.

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The Don’ts of Cleaning Your Invisalign

Here are some things to avoid doing to achieve maximum results from your Invisalign treatment:

Don’t Use Toothpaste on Your Aligners

Toothpaste is a clear no for cleaning your aligners. Their texture and composition may cause scratches on your aligners and staining as well. Instead, use a mild, clear soap for cleaning. Invisalign dentists advise against using any harsh cleaning agents on your aligners.

Don’t Use Colored or Scented Soaps

Strictly avoid any colored soaps, as the dye in them may discolor the aligners and make the experience distasteful. Stick to clear, unscented, antibacterial soap to keep your aligners clean and clear and help maintain their clear look and effectiveness.

Don’t Eat or Drink with Aligners In

This may be hard to do, but it is extremely effective in getting the most out of your Invisalign treatment. With your aligners on, you must have nothing apart from water. Your teeth grind food and can leave finer pieces between your teeth. Food pieces can also get stuck between your teeth or between the teeth and Invisalign clear aligners. This can damage the aligner and lead to an increased risk of decay. An Invisalign dentist will recommend removing your aligners before biting into any food, fruit, or beverage to maintain their condition and effectiveness.

Don’t Use Hot Water to Clean Aligners

Hot water can change the shape of your aligners’ plastic, altering their fit and effectiveness. Always use lukewarm or cool water when cleaning or rinsing your aligners. Don’t expose aligners to high temperatures to preserve their shape and functionality.

Common Myths About Cleaning Invisalign Aligners

Myth Fact
You can clean aligners with mouthwash Alcohol-based mouthwash can damage the aligners
You only need to clean aligners once a day Aligners should be cleaned twice a day to prevent bacterial buildup
Boiling aligners sterilize them Boiling water can warp the aligners, making them ineffective

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Additional Tips from Invisalign Dentists

  • Storing Aligners Properly: When not in use, always store your aligners in their protective case to prevent loss or damage. A case protects your aligners from contamination and physical damage.
  • Regular Check-ups: Visit Gentle Dentistry of Las Colinas regularly to ensure your treatment is on track and your aligners are in good condition.



  • Rinse aligners immediately after removal
  • Brush aligners twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-dyed soap
  • Soak aligners daily in a gentle cleaning solution or lukewarm water
  • Brush and floss teeth before wearing aligners
  • Do visit your dentist on planned followups


  • Avoid using toothpaste on aligners
  • Do not use colored or scented soaps
  • Do not eat or drink anything apart from water if you’re wearing your aligners
  • Avoid using hot water to clean aligners, as it can alter the aligner’s plastic

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